Book Design

Gregory Studio has created hundreds of books for a range of publishing companies over the last 20 years.

Book design is a specialist type of design, when designing books we don't just offer art direction and design we can take care of the entire production process, including the following - copyright management, photo research and  art direction. By working closely with Illustrators and Photographers we ensure that the end product is always stunning, fun and interesting.

Please note: this is just a very small sample of books we have designed if you'd like to see more please contact us or pop into see them first hand. If you'd like to see an example of the any books interior just ask.


Children's Book Design

Gregory Studio has designed a huge range of children's educational books, including books for US, Canada and Australia schools. Elton's background is in illustration and this has helped immensely when it comes to art directing illustrators on various jobs. He has also personally illustrated a number of children's book, the latest being Dave's Hairy Fear.

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